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T&O Interview - Clinical Station

Missed our T&O Interview Webinar? No worries, as we will be sharing some of our key advice for each station.

Here are our 6 top tips for tackling the virtual clinical station:

1) Prepare a spiel and state ATLS/CRISP... make sure you can quickly move through A-E so that you can get to the crux of the question and maximise marks.

2) Use a clear structured approach... this is very important! Structuring your answer in a logical sequence will help you to organise your thoughts and also make it easier to understand for the examiners. I will release another post with further examples...

3) Make use of the MDT... mention other professionals where appropriate e.g. open fracture involve plastics, knee dislocation involve vascular, physiotherapists for prehabilitation of ACL rupture etc.

4) Make use of guidelines and common classifications... learn and reference all the key guidelines and classifications. This can also help you to structure your answer, e.g. BOAST for open fractures, BPT for NOF etc.

5) Focus on clinically relevant anatomy... instead of rote learning anatomy from a textbook, we recommend learning based on clinical scenarios, e.g. knee dislocation- popliteal fossa and neurovascular structures at risk etc.

6) Don't forget approaches and practical skills... with no practical station this year, there's a chance that you may be asked to describe basic principles such as lag screw and tension band wire. You may also be asked to describe the approach and steps to perform procedures such as DHS, Ankle ORIF etc. Have a ready made spiel for the common cases.

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